

Authentic material and a serious academic approach are the trademarks of PEN test preparation and college admissions programs.

Course description & schedule



No tricks, No gimmicks, No guessing, No deceptive practices.

We help you focus on the skills and knowledge that really matter by revisiting core concepts that you have already learned. You will also master proven test-taking strategies and learn invaluable time-management skills, all of which will serve you well in all your educational pursuits. You will practice exclusively on tests that have been written by ETS and published by the College Board and The American College Testing Co.. On test day there will be no surprises - you've seen it all. You can enter the test arena with confidence!

SAGE: SAT Art of Grammar & the Essay

Plan early. Start preparing today.

This challenging program is designed for 8th - 10th grade students who want to get a head-start on their SAT preparation, and for 11th grade students who want to brush up on their skills before taking the SAT. What makes this course special and why it has been attracting the interest of educators nationwide is that:

  • It is designed to take the pressure off the preparation for the ACT/SAT by introducing students to aspects of the test early in high school.
  • It focuses on key areas that will impact overall school performance.

The grammar portion of the ACT and SAT represents a return to the basics! We address the traditional rules of grammar and usage as they are tested. Even the best writers struggle with the format of the SAT essay. There is an art to writing the essay in a coherent, sophisticated fashion. Working from real College Board and ACT topics, we will explore the process necessary for this type of writing. Students will walk into the test prepared to tackle any topic given.

Added benefit for SAGE students:We will be reviewing the writing process in general. Starting this preparation early will help students improve the writing they need to do every day in school.

APPS and ESSAYS - The College Package

Where do you really want to go to school? Can you articulate why? What is hidden inside of you that you haven't thought about? What gems in the college world are out there waiting for you to discover them? In this workshop style course you will learn how to:

  • use the internet to do in-depth college searches to find the best match to your interests and academic profile.
  • design your college list and get organized for the admissions process.
  • dissect the application piece by piece so that each section shows as much about you as possible.
  • begin to approach your college essays.
  • plan college visits so that you make the most of your trips to schools.